Together With All Those Who….

Psalm 40:1-11, I Corinthians 1:1-9 and John 1:29-42

This coming week of January 17-25 is the designated Week of Prayer For Christian Unity. A time of prayerful reflection on the state of the Church through time and history into our current year of 2020. The primary text for the sermon is from I Corinthians 1:2 where the emphasis is on our “togetherness in Jesus Christ.” Paul is appealing for unity. Needless to say, he notes some conflict, disagreement, and power plays going on and proceeds to make a case for overcoming dissension and turmoil. He will reach a high point in chapter 13, “the love chapter.”

A worthy aspiration! The worldwide church is a grand marvel in all its diversity! And a beautiful experience when worship and service is shared by the millions of the faithful.

Yet, we live in both a world and a Church in which we are often not “of one mind.” It’s not a new concern. St. Paul wrote most of his epistles addressing issues and differences in the local churches.

The intent and aspiration is there to be of “one mind and spirit” but the practice of such is an ongoing struggle requiring daily “renewing of our mind” in this life. Thus, we will be reminded in worship this Sunday of the call to be “together in Christ Jesus.” As John Wesley said, “If your heart is as my heart, give me your hand.” Wonderful things happen when people work together in the name of Jesus.

See you Sunday, see you in the world!

Pastor Barry