Faded Love

Mark 7:1-7

On this coming Sunday, I will be preaching on the nature of worship.

The title is based on a humorous experiment that once happened in worship when I was singing and playing Blue Grass Gospel.

Blessings your way.

Pastor Michael


This coming Sunday, I will be preaching a sermon entitled, Mark Twain’s Biggest Fan. The scripture is John 6:60-66. The sermon, basically, will be about Biblical illiteracy and how Scripture is often used without understanding the meaning.

Sometimes, phrases are quoted as being from the Bible; but, they actually are not.

Thank you for your work and effort in presenting God’s Word.

Blessings your way.

Pastor Michael

The Dash

This Sunday August 18th, the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost, the Sermon title is The Dash Between the Dates. The scripture is James 1:22-25.

The sermon is based on a poem by the same title as the sermon.

The dash between the dates, it stood for time.

I hope to see you at Worship.

Blessings your way.

Pastor Michael

See you Sunday

I missed being with everyone last Sunday. I hope all went well. Anne and I enjoyed the homecoming. Anne played the piano and sang in a duet. I gave the benediction and then the blessing for the potluck lunch following worship.

This coming Sunday, I will be preaching a sermon based on Exodus 4:10-12.

I look forward to seeing everyone at church!

Pastor Michael