Psalm 85, Colossians 2:6-15 and Luke 11:1-13
The Luke text is about as basic a Bible passage as you could ask for! Here you find portions of what we call The Lord’s Prayer and then a clear call to earnestly ask God for “good things” such as daily needs and…..the Holy Spirit! Ask, seek, knock! A brief summary of Prayer 101(!).
I vividly remember a question of our son Ben who, of course, was in church from day one. He certainly overheard talk about prayer, and was taught to pray, and did pray. He was about age 4 when he caught us off guard with the question, “Why doesn’t God give me what I want?” I don’t think it was close to Christmas when it becomes confusing to church kids when they hear about God AND Santa Claus!
I don’t quite remember what we said but, regardless, it is just as much an adult question at times, especially during times of trouble, affliction, and stress. “God! I am asking!
Prayer is at the heart of faith-filled living. It is at the center of a personal and communal relationship with Jesus. It is both joyful and at times a painful struggle. It involves mountain top experiences and low times in the valley.
As the Psalmist cries out and ultimately affirms, “Will you not revive us again, so that your people may rejoice in you?” (85:6) and “Also, the Lord will provide what is good…”(85:12b).
Sunday in worship we praise, rejoice, confess and certainly continue to ASK! We will join the Psalmist and Luke and Paul in earnest prayer!
Pastor Barry