Isaiah 43:16-21, Philippians 3:10-14 and John 12:1-8
Table conversation during and around holidays can be fun, interesting, and potentially conflictual. You put together the host family, siblings, uncles and aunts, and friends from all walks of life, and you never know where the talk might go!
Our Gospel text from John has a family of sisters and a brother, a “prophet/rabbi,” a deceitful disciple, and a question about the proper use of a very expensive perfume and you can sense the tension. Add to this the fact that the brother Lazarus was previously dead for days!
The Isaiah passage boldly declares that God is about doing New Things when all we thought was that nothing will ever change. Paul adds the fact that Resurrection changes our perspective on what is most important in guiding us through our earthly days.
Yes, such “table talk” is uncommon and when it does occur both awkwardness and excitement are likely to appear! It’s always conventionally safer to just talk sports, weather, and work! The talk and the presence of Jesus has a way of leading us to ultimate concern about our lives and relationships.
Sunday we will hear, respond, and share together at the Lord’s Table. It is difficult to imagine we will remain unchanged or unmoved in some way.
God’s blessings upon us as we prepare for worship!
Pastor Barry †