Jeremiah 33:14-16, I Thessalonians 3:9-13 and Luke 21:25-36

Our first Sunday in the Christian Season is upon us. Just 1 or 2 more days! Then the great waiting until Christmas Eve……then Christmas Day arrives. We perpetually wait. This seems built into human nature and the fact we experience Time. And we have hints and clues as to what lies ahead based on experience, tradition, sacred stories, and reasonable forecasts!
Apparently, the Grand Finale in God’s Creation may well be dramatic and scary. Evil does not give up without a fight! But the Better End is worth the struggle says most all scripture e.g. Jeremiah, Luke, and Paul. There is the Good News worth waiting for.
And any such waiting is not boring or static. It is intended to be an active waiting full of life and joy and love. The full “abundant life” Jesus promises in John 10:10. So, we get both struggle and blessedness in that time we live in before the Eternal that is hard to describe. Let’s work with what we know making the most of what we are given!
We will light the first of four candles this Sunday reminding us of the Light leading us onward over the next few weeks and the rest of our life.
Happy Peaceful Advent to all!
Pastor Barry †