Exodus 34:29-35, II Corinthians 3:12-4:1 and Luke 9:28-43
The last few days have been like someone opened the curtains in a dimly lit room! The sun was still really there behind all the rain clouds of February. Light, warmth, welcome anticipation of change burst forth and cheered many.
Our bible passages this Sunday are all about the “glow,” the shining of God’s radiance. And especially through the messengers of Moses, Paul, and supremely Jesus. The Transfiguration is all about the glory of God present in Jesus on high but also how that glory is to show through bodily healing and through the work of the Church, the Body of Christ in the world.
The idea of shedding light on any subject is to make the subject more well known, to provide a better awareness of what can happen as the depth and width of the subject is seen in the greater light of God.
Whether it is seeing persons better as reflecting the image of God or whether it has to do with decision making as at the recent General Conference 2019, “seeing the glory of God” is something we are called to do.
And in seeing in a better Light we hope to “do no harm and stay in love with God.” Disciples come “off the high” of the mountain top experience and walk amongst those who need healing and transformation.
We see and go forth~~~!
Pastor Barry