Ezekiel 37:1-14 and John 11:1-45
A new “normal” continues in the life of our churches. We are still social distancing for the sake of the common good, public health, the extended international community. Worship will be “on line” without the congregation physically present. The work of the church continues in prayer, gifts, service, and witness but worship together is very different for a season.
So, in preparation for your participation in on line viewing, please read and pray your way through the prophet Ezekiel’s vision of dry bones revived and the apostle John’s testimony to Jesus raising a three day entombed Lazarus.
God was not finished with a captive and exiled Israel and God was showing us that physical death is not the end. Very dramatic, very powerful statements about God’s purposes and God’s faithfulness.
It always seems helpful to hear from those who lived through trying times like World Wars, The Great Depression of the Thirties, The 1918 Flu Epidemic, The Cuban Missile Crisis, 9/11. First hand witnesses remind us of how they persevered and what helped them overcome. Once again, our scriptures were present then to those in the past as they are now as witnesses to the Living God who goes with us.
We will hear and be reminded of the promise of God, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!” Death and fear have no hold on us! We are the Church together….in Spirit and in Truth.
This Sunday “tune in” once again on our Facebook page for worship!
The video will live stream at 11 am. Bookmark the link https://www.facebook.com/KedronUMC/
Blessings during this challenging time!
Pastor Barry