Better a patient man than a warrior. A man who controls his temper than one who takes a city. – Proverbs 16:32
Let’s look at a few popular, but sad, bumper stickers:
•My kid beat up your honor student.
•Welcome to America, now get out!
•Keep honking, I’m a good shot.
•All men are idiots, and I married their King.
What do these bumper stickers have in common? The messages are dressed in humor but they’re actually about anger. While some people struggle with anger, these people are flaunting it, celebrating it, and inviting you to join in.
This type of anger–aimed at hurting or ridiculing–is obviously wrong. Yet not all anger is wrong. Anger can also be an appropriate and good response at times.
If You’re Not Outraged, You’re Not Paying Attention, is another bumper sticker I’ve seen.
Injustice, cruelty, and greed should evoke anger because they contradict what the Bible teaches. Things that are unjust or go against what God’s plan is for the world should make us angry.
I am reminded of how anger channeled the right way can transform the world. William Wilberforce, sickened with anger over the slave trade in England, devoted himself to ending slavery there.
If you don’t ever feel anger, you need to worry about your heart.
Its what you do with your anger that is important. Before you blow up, take time to think about how God would want you to handle the situation. Before you say things you will regret during anger, make sure to think about what you say and what might God has you say in this circumstance.
I realize that we all get angry from time to time and sometimes we let anger get the best of us.
My prayer for each of you is that God would quiet your spirit today. That you would feel the anger slip away. And that you will only use anger for things that matter.
Anger is never without a reason, but seldom with a good one. – Ben Franklin
Chaplin Rob