The church includes all ages. And how you “feel and look” at any age! Local radio hosts were talking this week and told the joke about the 90 year old who said, “I feel like a new born baby. I have no hair, I have no teeth, and I just peed in my pants.”
Well, having considered the fellow’s thoughts…..all I can say is “that’s life!”
The church is, I believe, the current and ongoing social institution to bring all ages, tribes, and nations together with common interests and purposes regarding living life to the fullest “at all ages.” In the Acts passage, Lydia is a successful businesswoman who receives the Good News from Paul, is baptized AND her household. A household likely had ALL ages and perhaps in a wealthy persons home, servants and their children as well, people not kinfolk! Then Lydia invites Paul and Silas to stay in her home. Just like they were family! Which, in the sense of Gods family, they are all part of now! We can’t know a whole lot about the ages of the baptized nor their faithfulness over the years but we do know they all were included and off to a good start!
The church is a family with the expected age range and, well…..amazing diversity in personalities, socio-economic realities, local customs, and languages. Time and patience and prayer are required for the long run!
From the new born baby to the Ninety Year Old……Baptized and always in need of hospitality …from each other and from God!
Come celebrate Church this Sunday! You are included!
Pastor Barry