This Sunday October 2 is World Communion Sunday. As we receive the Bread and the Cup at our familiar communion rails, we might want to recall times when we were visitors in other churches in other states or perhaps in other nations. And even in a different faith community other than Methodist! Do you remember both an anxiety to not “mess up” as well as a curiosity to see how others “do this great sacrament?”
Or at least use your imagination and see yourself alongside the Methodists at communion in Haiti. Or with the few in Russia. With the persecuted church in South Sudan or in the numerous house churches in China. Or with service men and women stationed on the border between North and South Korea! If you can, you are also foreseeing a future Heaven. And looking back at a lost Garden of Eden longed for!
The Heavenly Banquet anticipated in our humble receiving wherever we are and with whomever we break Bread and drink the Cup.
Come this Sunday to Kedron and Locks Memorial or any of the other 93 congregations in the Murfreesboro District or maybe find yourself visiting with Presbyterian or Pentecostal friends and saying to one another, “Peace to you” and “Thanks be to .God!”
We walk by faith……with Bread for the Journey and Fruit of the Vine for drink along the Way….
Pastor Barry