Kedron is a unique place. It’s one of the most pleasant churches I have ever pastored. I look forward to attending every function and always drive away refreshed. When we are together, it is hard to believe the world is not just as nice.
Don’t misunderstand me. There are plenty of happy places in my life: but, I’m constantly reminded that there is much harshness and evil lurking just around the corner.
Not to be trite, but all one has to do is get in the car and drivesomewhere–anywhere. We pass by a world that is in a hurry to getsomewhere: and it’s best we not get in their way. Daily I’m reminded of reckless driving, road rage, and driving distraction. And, I’ve gotten where I can’t watch the evening news.(I get news online and can quit whenever I want to.)
It can be a harsh, heartless, and hard-hitting place”out there.” What makes it even worse (in my studied opinion) is that at the same time when our culture seems to be in decline, so is the church. It can’t be a coincidence.
That’s why it is more important than ever to be a part of a movement that teaches and encourages love, kindness, and morality. In addition, the selfless sacrifice of Jesus reminds us that others are sometimes more important than our own desires.
You are willing witnesses to the power of the Gospel and faith in Christ.
Keep it up!
Michael O’Bannon, Pastor