Luke 24:1-7
This Sunday we celebrate Easter in praise and adoration of the risen Christ.
We celebrate Easter with heartfelt thanks to our risen Lord and Savior and share his love and peace with others.
Our joyful voices ring out in praise; Jesus’ words of forgiveness from the cross remind us that we, too, are forgiven.
We hope to see you this coming Sunday.
Blessings your way.
Matthew 21:1-11
Palm Sunday marks the start of Holy Week. It is the recalling of Christ’s entry into Jerusalem.
This victorious entry reminds us that although Christ endured great sorrow and suffering, ultimately, He is victorious over sin and death.
We will also celebrate the Baptism of Pastor Michael’s grandson, Douglas Henry Rogers.
We hope to see you this coming Sunday.
Blessings your way.
2 Timothy 4:1-5.
We are living in an age where myths are propagated much more easily because of social media. This is not a statement against social media; rather, it is about being careful about what is broadcast and checking out facts before blindly believing.
Thank you for your work in ministry!
I look forward to being with you this coming Sunday.
Pastor Michael
Hebrews 11:3, and Proverbs 8:22-31.
The reference is to the wonderfully complex nature of Legos, the plastic block creation of a Danish company. While helping my granddaughters put together Lego creations, I was reminded of the wonderful and beautiful complexity of the divinely created universe.
The passage in Proverbs is “Wisdom” talking; but the passage is a good reminder of how God created everything in the universe.
Thank you for your loyalty and dedication in working together for the Gospel of Christ.
I look forward to being with you this coming Sunday.
Pastor Michael
Open hearts. Open Minds. Open doors.