Philippians 4:4-9.
This coming Sunday my sermon theme addresses the public attraction to gore and violence—and how I believe it affects our society.
As Paul says in Philippians, “I am thankful for our partnership in the Gospel.”
I look forward to seeing you at worship!
Pastor Michael
Acts 5:1-6
This Sunday’s sermon title will be The Cinderella Syndrome. The scripture is Acts 5:1-6.
This is the third in a series I have titled, “Parables from Pop Icons.”
The theme of the sermon is integrity.
I look forward to seeing you at worship!
Pastor Michael
Hebrews 10:23-25
This coming Sunday is the second in a series I have titled, “Parables from Pop Icons.”
The title of the sermon is “Fear This Factor.” Using an illustration from the old TV show, “Fear Factor,” I’ll be addressing the increasing demand for thrills and how it has led to the common complaint that we are constantly bored—unless something thrilling is happening.
Obviously, this has led to the complaint that “church is boring.” It’s a common but complex complaint. Not everything is intended to thrill us. Like a bow continually bent, without release from time to time so that the bow can rest, it will become permanently bent, thus losing all of its usefulness.
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!
Pastor Michael
2 Peter 1:16-19
This coming Sunday, I am going to begin a new series entitled, “Parables From Pop Icons.”
The theme is centered around cultural “reality” and truth versus Biblical reality and truth.
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!
Pastor Michael
Open hearts. Open Minds. Open doors.