Isaiah 63:7-9, Hebrews 2:10-18 and Matthew 2:13-23
December 25 for most people (not all!) is a day of rest filled with festive moments of gift sharing, fellowshipping with family and friends, some quiet moments, and multiple meals. There is activity but a certain “staying in place” seems to be common.
Not so the days following. Back to being “on the go!” Work beckons, people have to travel, routine demands kick back in. And for some, challenges unexpected emerge.
So it was for Mary, Joseph, and infant Jesus. King Herod wanted no contender for power and authority, so he sought to kill the newborn King. The holy family were angelically advised to flee to another country. Off to Egypt! There was little time to enjoy the gifts and visit of the Wise Men. Was the gold used to help pay their moving and Egyptian housing expenses!?
So it is for us. A thousand reasons appear on December 26 and we have to keep moving on whether old routines or new challenges.
We will hear of both from God’s Word this Sunday on worship: that which is good about routine and that which says something “new” calls us forth. The life God has given us cannot be complacent nor “put on hold.” We move toward God’s unveiling of what is next in our lives both personally and together as a faith community. Pack your luggage!
On to the year of our Lord 2020!
Pastor Barry