Stumblin’ in the Dark

Colossians 1:13-16

Living in a time of unprecedented knowledge and enlightenment, we are deceiving ourselves by thinking that everything can be known and understood.

Contemporary culture has attempted to remove what one theologian has named the “mysterium tremendum,” the great mystery of faith. Job says, “But, where can wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? Man does not know its value, nor is it found in the land of the living…. Pure gold cannot be given in exchange for it, nor can silver be weighted as its price…. It is hidden from the eyes of all living and concealed from the birds of the sky. [But] God understands its way, and He knows its place.” (Job 28:12ff.)

There are some things we cannot know and must receive on faith. We outwit ourselves when we think we can know everything. Some things, God’s things, are simply beyond human comprehension. Were it not so, we would be equal to God. Maybe that’s one of the things wrong with contemporary culture. We think we don’t need God!


Pastor Michael †

Kings, Castles, and Crosses

Luke 1:26-33

This week’s sermon will be about the Kingdom of God. It will talk about magical kingdoms in the past for which people still have fascination, versus the real and present Kingdom of God.

Thank you for your partnership in proclaiming the Gospel.

Pastor Michael †

Being Rocked in the Devil’s Cradle

Matthew 4:1-3

This week’s sermon concerns temptation. It focuses on the temptation of Jesus while in the wilderness. None of us are exempt from temptation, but there are ways of meeting it straight on—and resisting. Jesus taught us how best to handle temptation, and I want to emphasize those ways this coming Sunday.

I will be in prayer for all of the surgeries, those recovering from Covid, those facing life’s challenges, and those who are in need of traveling mercies.

I hope you will consider what lies in our future. I believe in Sunday School, Bible Study, and pastoral visits. I realize Covid has slowed things down, especially Sunday School and pastoral visiting. If you would like a pastoral visit and are in a place where you might not be challenged by Covid, let’s start to think about me dropping by at some time.

May God richly bless you.

Pastor Michael †

The Difference Between Canned and Fresh Peaches

Galatians 1:6-8

On July 10th the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, we welcome our new pastor Rev. Michael O”Bannon. His sermon title is The Difference Between Canned and Fresh Peaches. The scriptures are Galatians 1:6-8.

“This coming Sunday, I will be preaching a sermon entitled, The Difference Between Canned and Fresh Peaches. It is based on an experience early in my ministry when I was a student pastor; but, it has relevance for all people who have or want a relationship with Jesus.

I look forward to being with all of you on Sunday.”

Pastor Michael †

Repetition. Embodiment. Nurture.

Micah 6:8 and Matthew 22:34-40

So, from early on we recite pledges, oaths, creeds, statements of faith, beliefs. Scout Oath, Pledge of Allegiance, Apostles Creed. John 3:16. Some will change over a lifetime but most will get “embedded” in our mind, soul, and body. And God “waters” and gives the “increase.” We become, through the Spirit, a people of God for the sake of others over time!

This Sunday, as we celebrate as a nation the beliefs and practices of a representative democracy, we gather in congregations to also celebrate beliefs and practices of the Christian faith. And how they are handed along to others and the next generation by repetition and example, word and deed.

Church and nation are distinct but in both there is a place for Micah’s call to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God!

Practice may not make “perfect” but it sure might help people over the long haul! And into Eternity!

Keep on keeping on!

Pastor Barry †