Jeremiah 1:4-10, I Corinthians 13:1-13 and Luke 4:21-30
Whether we hear well or not, we attend to people every day bringing each of us a message. Someone in school, work, government, church, media, community or in mission has something to say to us.
It sure seems like the person of faith, a follower of Jesus, would be “listening up” each day for a message, a guidance, from God. It might be when you read a devotional, study the Bible, attend worship or join a time of fellowship. A Word for you is available.
Our three lectionary scriptures bring us a diversity of messages. Jeremiah says first you need a messenger. God calls preachers, prophets, and laity to bring a word from God by words and deeds. And we might get the “gold standard” of all scriptural messages, the love chapter in Corinthians.
When we do this kind of love then surely the “Kingdom of God is in our midst.” But some words from God through Jesus may well “set some people off!” The passage in Luke says after Jesus spoke in the synagogue some wanted to throw him off a cliff!!
Message, proclaimer, and response. Love of God, neighbor, and self is the ultimate but HOW that is spelled out may take many paths and may get all sorts of reactions. This can all be quite challenging but does make for an interesting, exciting, meaningful life!
So, let’s “listen in” this Sunday worship and other message moments and see what responses appear during the days ahead!
Pastor Barry †