Psalm 22:25-31, Acts 8:26-40 and John 15:1-8.
Phillip, one of the first deacons in Jerusalem, has already been busy enough when he is summoned to the desert area between Jerusalem and Gaza. Phillip has been in Samaria and was heard by a sorcerer Simon Magus. Successful witness! The evangelist deacon could use a break perhaps. Not now though. Phillip gets up and goes again. Now he meets another non-Jew from Ethiopia. One who is ritually unclean as well as an assistant in that royal court. Another successful witness!
Perhaps the point for us is to be ready “to get up and go” when we listen to God’s call on our life. It might not be to Samaria or the wilderness, but could be anywhere in Middle Tennessee! For many with limited mobility or local responsibilities the “get up and go” might take the forms of :
•earnest daily prayer for others
•calls, letters, email, texts of care for others
•financial support for ministries and missions
•the use of personal talents offered to a wider population
•a willingness to meet and converse with very different people from oneself.
And, still, not to rule out one’s getting up and going to places one never quite imagined: short term missions, District and Conference opportunities for witness, world missions (!).
As our John text reassured us we are attached to the Vine of Jesus Christ as God’s Branches. We will always have God’s full support wherever we are called or sent.
How much like Phillip are we? A good question to ask this Sunday. And very likely the week ahead will have opportunities to bear witness to others in word and deed.
Be the branches too!
Pastor Barry †