Jeremiah 31:7-14, Ephesians 1:3-14 and John 1:1-18
For a year known more by shadows and dark, grey and cloudy days of anxiety and challenges, there sure have been lots of end of the year photos of beautiful sunsets and sunrises! December has been filled with posts of pictures of the glory of the skies! The beauty of the earth. Even snow in its blanket of white appeared to us in Tennessee during Christmas week. A “star” brightened our Christmas season. The wonders of Creation were on display for those who have eyes to see!
Our scriptures for our first Sunday in 2021 are full of images of God at work in the created order, in unfolding times and places. And in that revealing work, God’s purposes of and promises of a heaven-in-earth are proclaimed and demonstrated in nature and people we see! God works with what is given from the Beginning and what is intended in the End.
So, Jeremiah glories in the God who does not forsake sinful Israel, the Apostle John directs our attention to the Word becoming flesh (!) in Jesus, and Paul exalts in what both Jew and Gentile have inherited in Christ Jesus. It is a veritable “kaleidoscope” of dazzling gifts and events and promises kept. The dark and shadowy existence of ill and woe is overcome time and time again in God’s ongoing restoration and fulfillment of life as originally intended. Original blessing triumphs over original sin!
Admittedly, a year like 2020 seems to fly in the face of that blessing but one year is NOT the whole story, the big picture! When we do turn around and see and hear of the beauty of all that is, especially in Jesus Christ, we are renewed and strengthened for another “go at life.” The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. Israel’s consolation is before us. And Paul declares we are God’s family, we will not be abandoned nor forsaken!
Let’s all look into the kaleidoscope of scripture and Creation and see the dazzling colors of Grace play out before our very eyes! In that we have both present, abundant life and a hope for the future!
Blessings as we enter 2021 and beyond!
Pastor Barry