Our last Sunday after Epiphany goes out in a blaze of glory! The Transfiguration of Jesus. And not only his three buds, Peter, James, and John get to witness this, but Moses and Elijah make “guest appearances.” This is so dazzling and marvelous to Peter that his reaction is to want to build “shelters” there on the mountain. In constructing “tents or tabernacles” like in the wilderness God’s presence in Glory went with them. Peter may want this Transfiguration to last a long, long time! He was on a “spiritual high!”
Most of us have had a mountain top experience both in the literal sense as well as the spiritual. I’ve been thrilled (and partly terrified) to be up on Pikes Peak and Mt Evans in the Rockies. Mt Palomar in Southern California. Mt Leconte in the Smokies. Some spiritual element was part of all of these experiences. Holy awe and reverent fear came upon me in varying degrees in all locations. Heaven and earth meet on the mountain tops. Faith IS experience not just inner thoughts, beliefs, and practices. But faith as trust is the “train” engine, not experience. If we depended primarily on experience, we might have jumped off the “church train” a long time ago. Pain, disappointment, and struggles can take their toll on our spiritual life. Faith as trust is good in the valleys as much as on the mountains!
This will be made even more real as we move from the glorious celebration of God’s Light during Epiphany into the shadows of Lent. A time of emphasis upon self-examination of sin and Darkness in our lives as Jesus moves toward the Cross. We walk with Him on that journey. Peter, James, and John do come down off that mountain of Transfiguration and walk through the valley of the shadow of death with their Lord toward Golgotha.
Such is our life of faith as well. Highs and lows. Sort of like everyone’s life isn’t it?! But, the difference is….we know Jesus is with us…..alive!
God bless us as we worship in all seasons and in all places!
God bless us all!
Pastor Barry