I Kings 17:8-16, I Corinthians 1:18-31 and John 2:1-11. All three scriptures involve misunderstandings, discussion, a plan of action! Sounds like any called family meeting to get matters back in line! Elijah helps a mother and her son, they help him, and things go bad for a while. Jesus and his mother exchange words over timing! Paul firmly instructs the church family at Corinth in how to get along! Sounds contemporary doesn’t it?
Such interactions in the ancient Bible bring its helpfulness into our current homes and churches. It brings a message still relevant today. Who doesn’t need to see examples of families dealing with misunderstandings and learning to listen for ways to deal with “issues!” Lifelong learners. That’s what disciples are. Otherwise, we risk falling into the road that leads to power plays, authority trips, “I’m right, you’re wrong” attitudes!
Jesus has the last word after the earlier “dust up” with his mother: “Woman, behold your son; and to the disciple, Here is your mother.” John 19:26,27. Talk about what finally matters~~~!
Blessings upon your family, friends, your brothers and sisters in Christ †
Pastor Barry