Isaac Newton was Wrong!

Psalm 46

Isaac Newton was Wrong! His first law of motion states, “Everything continues in a state of rest unless it is compelled to change by forces impressed upon it.” That may be true for physics, but the opposite is true of life in general.

I have maintained for decades that the only constant in life is change. Things are constantly changing.

So, as we face the New Year, I’d like to address the constant and relentless pace of change we are going to be facing. I assure you, there will be nothing political about what I will have to say.


Pastor Michael

The Gift

Romans 6:20-23

On Christmas Day we gather to worship You and lift up our voices in praise because You sent the Christ Child to live and walk amongst humankind.

I look forward to seeing everyone on Sunday.


Pastor Michael

Sounds Like Tolstoy

John 13:34-35

This Sunday’s sermon is entitled, Sounds Like Tolstoy. The title is taken from a Tennessee Williams short story.

The sermon is an interruption in the series on Why I am A Christian. It is a special Advent sermon about something I want for Christmas.

I look forward to seeing everyone on Sunday.


Pastor Michael