Isaiah 2:1-5, Romans 13:8-14 and Matthew 24:36-44
Isaiah speaks of the “light of the Lord” while Romans mentions the “armor of light.” Matthew insists on keeping our eyes open, keeping watch lest we miss being ready for the coming of the Lord at any time!
Most of us can only stand so much light at once! In fact, some behaviors and thoughts we prefer to keep in the dark! Advent is a reminder that light is important to get us to the final, ultimate Light. And sometimes (most of the time?) light dawns on us gradually, like the gradual light of morning dawn. We symbolize the slow unveiling of light by lighting five candles during the Sundays of December adding as we go until the fifth and last candle, the Christ candle is lit near or on December 24th.
For some, however, a sudden blinding moment in life is the time when all changes spiritually for the better. Paul’s dramatic Damascus road experience for instance. But for most of us the unfolding of our life before God is gradual as we receive more light from our walk in faith, hope, and love over a lifetime.
Either way, we are told to “stay awake,” “be alert” for the coming of the Lord. A good night’s sleep and a daily nap are not bad things but staying awake and alert to things of the Spirit are crucial to an “abundant life.” Worship together is one of those disciplines to keep us “alert.” I hope you look forward to our Advent Sundays of worship as you receive “more light” for your ongoing journey of life with God!
Pastor Barry