Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. – Matthew 5:12
November 3rd is the Sunday in which we celebrate All Saints Day (November 1st) in worship. We remember and spiritually commune with the Church Triumphant, those “dear departed” of our faith community.
Our own Delann Dunbar has creatively written a message as delivered by our children and youth. In their presentation we will learn about the history of All Saints Day while hearing about grandparents and then being amused by a youthful clown skit about….the Saints!
Surrounding this message in Word and Visuals, we will be led by our choir in singing from the old Cokesbury hymnal which predates our United Methodist Hymnal by many decades. String music will remind us of that coming Unclouded Day. And Holy Communion will instill within us the hope of sitting at the Heavenly Banquet Table on the “other side.”
The Gospel text for our worship is a call to be “blessed” and what the blessed saints (you and I and the dear departed) both do and also receive.
Come to worship on All Saints Sunday!
Pastor Barry