Theological Reflection on a ’65 Falcon

John 7:24.

The title for this Sunday’s sermon is, “Theological Reflection on a ’65 Falcon.” There are two scriptures on which the sermon is based. The first is the report in John about Jesus healing on the Sabbath (John 5:1-18). The second is a reference to that healing, plus a comment Jesus made. That verse is John 7:24.

The sermon is from an actual experience early in my ministry. It is about judging based on appearance.

Thank you for sharing in the Gospel with me!


Pastor Michael †

Theological Reflection on Mowing the Grass

Luke 9:23-26

This coming Sunday, my sermon “Theological Reflection on Mowing the Grass” will center around having a daily commitment to Christ, rather than a sporadic or convenient one.

The confirmation will meet at 3:00 pm. The lesson will focus on the history of the Church Universal.


Pastor Michael †


1 Corinthians 15:12-18.

The soul is probably one of the most neglected aspects of our faith in contemporary religious thinking. We are correct to be concerned with helping others; but we make a tremendous mistake by neglecting the spiritual elements of our faith, including our eternal destination.

My family is back from NYC, and my granddaughters want to attend both churches! We look forward to seeing you Sunday morning.


Pastor Michael †


Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16

Is faith a noun or a verb? This text asks us to examine and imagine the legacy and life of faith. This Sunday our guest preacher Rev. John Weaver will lead us through Worship. Maybe we can once again connect with God’s promise as we go “faithing” together.

Come join us this Sunday in Worship.


Pastor Michael †