“A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.” The Road Less Travelled. “You take the high road and I’ll take the low road.” “On the road again.”
With these four familiar expressions you can probably add another five! The image of travel and the lure of the road is part of who most of us are. In the USA we have the great American foundation stories of arriving from other countries and then going Westward. Songs have been written about Route 66, the Natchez Trace, and stories both good and not so good are being told now about our own I-24 (!).
Our Gospel story for this Sunday’s worship is the well-known Road to Emmaus. So much happens here with the two disciples and the “stranger” traveling with them it cannot be contained in one sermon or one lesson.
Suffice it to say, it us enough to get us thinking about our own journeys of faith and who we have met along the way. And who has gone before us and who yet lies ahead to begin their own journey.
As is also said, we, as Christ followers, meet our Savior along the way as we make our way. At no one point can we say “it is done!” Until we cross over and there are no more highways~~+
There are certainly pivotal moments always with us in memory of how that moment shaped us, but we are in motion and cannot stay “in Emmaus” but continue along to the next point until we reach “the New Jerusalem!”
Saddle up! Start your engines! Brace yourselves for takeoff! The way is always forward! Listen to Jesus the Captain of your Ship as you continue to sail to points Known and Unknown!
Make it an adventure!
Your fellow traveling companion,
Pastor Barry