Searching for Arthur in America

James 1:19-25

On July 2nd the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, my sermon title will be Searching for Arthur in America. The scripture is James 1:19-25.

Also, since it is the first Sunday of the month, we will observance the sacrament of Holy Communion.

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!


Pastor Michael

Home Again

By the time you read this, I will have returned from New York City. Anne and I went up to see both granddaughters in dance recitals. In addition, the older granddaughter acted as a kind of master of ceremonies for other recitals on the same day.

While up there in NYC, Anne and I went to the Broadway play, “The Lion King.” It all started in 1997, according to the colorful booklet that is handed out to the people in attendance.

We were seated near the front, but from what I could see, the theater was packed–on a Wednesday night! For something to endure and still attract crowds after all of these years, they must be doing something right.

I am certainly no critic, but it seems to me that a part of the success has to do with the marvelously creative way in which they tell a simple story of honesty and integrity challenged by duplicity and evil.

I am always discouraged when a movie or play ends with a sad and morally dysfunctional plot and ending. The Lion King is not that. It both illustrates and celebrates what happens when goodness is tested by evil, and goodness prevails.

Nothing is new in my amateur critique: but the point is that people not only enjoy seeing evil defeated: they also affirm, rather conclusively, that goodness can and should emerge victorious.

The play reminds me, in some ways, of the situation in the Book of Job. Evil reduces Job’s life to ruin and ashes: but in the end, because of his steadfast faith, he is restored by God. That’s a story we all yearn to hear-and of which we all need to be reminded from time to time. God is good, all of the time.

Pastor Michael

What’s Missing…?

Colossians 3:20-21.

Sunday, June 18, is Father’s Day. We will return to the series on the “Other Commandments” with the 10th “commandment.”

It will discuss traditional and Biblical views of Fatherhood, versus changes in our 21st Century culture.

I genuinely look forward to seeing all of you this coming Sunday.


Pastor Michael

Googling God

Romans 11:33-36.

Sunday, June 11, will be a departure from the “Other 10 Commandments” series.

The sermon is about changing views of God in the 21st Century versus traditional and scriptural beliefs concerning God.


Pastor Michael