Exodus 17:1-7, Philippians 2:1-13 and Matthew 21:23-32
The scriptures this Sunday are about who has the authority and how people listen to authority. If you watch many detective or cop stories on TV, there are the innumerable scenes where the officer shows his badge to assert the authority to ask questions and to act if necessary. Authority is bestowed by state AND divine authorities which have either earned that right by vote or by virtue of truthful persuasion!
In this Matthew passage Jesus cites the authority of an executed prophet John and then tells a story of those who do what they are asked to do…..or don’t do!
What we will hear on Sunday is that God has authority but uses persuasion, example, and specific people’s lives rather than force to “get the divine will accomplished.” We will hear of those who listen and respond…..and those who don’t. It’s as relevant today as it was 2000 years ago!
Listen up all who will listen!
Pastor Barry