2 Samuel 1:1, 16-27, 2 Corinthians 8:7-15 and Mark 5:21-43.
In these passages we see a number of experiences common to all: grief over death, illness and it’s healing and being generous with your resources. Needless to say, these experiences come during national times of crisis, e.g. war, epidemics, economic hard times, as well as to all of us throughout our life span.
Christ’s church is not immune from any yet leads the way in responding to all these human conditions. Where would we be without the church?! I suppose we would depend solely on the goodness of the state (!). If history teaches us anything, the human institution of the state is a very mixed bag! As we acknowledge July 4th we recall that a government became oppressive to the original 13 colonies. Governments can wage war and death on its people! And governments can, at their best, care for its citizens.
The church, however, heals not kills, gives and rarely receives in kind, and is not an instrument of death whether for evil or for justice. Jesus sets the example time and time again. Render unto God….render unto Caesar…..know the difference.
As we receive and celebrate the Lords Supper, Holy Communion we are reminded to do this in memory of the One Crucified, Dead, yet Alive! No force of nature, state, or fallen people can overcome God’s Righteous One who lives for others.
Come this Sunday for Word and Sacrament believing that Jesus is the generous, merciful Lord of life, conqueror of death, and Ruler of all nations!
Be blessed in this knowledge and in this faith!
Pastor Barry