Easter has been the Christian’s ultimate answer to the earnest seeker’s questions about Life and Death. But even the scriptures frame the answer around tough questions that are ongoing throughout life:
Job: “If someone dies, will they live again?
Paul: “How can some of you say that the dead will not be raised to life”
John: “Woman, why are you crying?”
Powerful questions. How would you like to be driving on vacation to Florida and from the back seat someone keeps asking you these three questions?
We are all like children wanting answers on our journey in life. Since the answers STILL require faith rather than out and out proof, we must live with the questions at the same time that we celebrate the answers of faith.
To me, this makes for an exciting, challenging, honest, genuine life.
This weekend from Good Friday to Easter Sunday we will have the questions and answers before us in Word and deed, in song and prayer, in fellowship and service.
Keep in mind we have many opportunities to worship this weekend. Good Friday is shared at Kedron 6:30 pm and Easter Sunrise is at Locks Memorial 6.30 am. Kedron’s Easter Egg Hunt is Saturday morning and Locks is after worship on Sunday. Kedron has a Choir and Reader Sunday worship and Locks has a sermon and a special Children’s Time. Just think….what if you tried to go to all of these! I suspect I may be the only one but I always ask….”What if….?”
Thanks be to God!
Pastor Barry