Micah 6:6-8, I Corinthians 1:18-31 and Matthew 5:1-12
God starts off as being the Supreme Giver. We have because God is the giver of life, liberty, and blessings. Along the way there are commandments, “requirements,” and wise ways of doing things!
At every point in life, God knows we are embedded in the earth! We are in the world. We live and move and have our being in God. Therefore it’s not surprising when the Bible seems to address most every element in human existence. And if not a direct address at least enough for us to effort a “spiritual” comment on most events in life. Which gets us to the Super Bowl, Kobe Bryant, and Groundhog’s Day! Kobe’s life and death, as are everyone’s, are more important but a Christian is free to ponder the other two in light of God’s activity and presence always amongst us.
That being said, let us hear the width and depth of Jesus’ Beatitudes in Matthew 5 as he considers the wide ranging human condition and life in the world in all possible blessedness. What is it to be blessed in situations of humility, poor spirit, and grief? What does it take “to inherit the earth?”
Ponder your “blessings” as you prepare for worship this February 2. Think upon the gracious gifts to us from God as we encounter both joy and sadness, fun and seriousness from day to day, event to event, moment to moment.
See you in worship!
Pastor Barry