A Gift from God

John 3:14-17

This Sunday December 29th the First Sunday after Christmas the sermon title is Daddy Had a Fight With the Christmas Tree.

It is really worth it? Are all the things we do to get ready worth the effort and expense?

I maintain that, as my friend the late Bishop Bob Spain once said, “Would you plan a party without making the punch?”

I guess the concept of “punch” is a bit outdated; but we all know what that is.

We hope to see you at Worship.

Blessings your way.

Pastor Michael


The Fourth Candle of Advent, called the Angel’s Candle, symbolizes love and the message of God’s love that the angels announced at Christ’s birth.

This Sunday December 22nd the Fourth Sunday of Advent the sermon title is Something Green. The scripture is James 1:16-18.

We hope to see you at Worship.

Blessings your way.

Pastor Michael


The Third Candle of Advent (this is the pink candle), is called the Shepherd’s Candle, and represents the joy felt at the birth of our Lord, as well as the joy we have in anticipation of His return.

This Sunday December 15th the Third Sunday of Advent the sermon title is Smack Dab in the Middle. The scripture is John 20:24-29.

The central message is about how the birth of Jesus occurred in the middle of a history that had been hoping for Him, but didn’t really expect him.

In addition, Jesus arrived in the middle of a world mess. It is similar to today: the birth of Jesus occurs in the middle of all that is going on–perhaps too much.

We hope to see you at Worship.

Blessings your way.

Pastor Michael

Changing the World

This Sunday December 7th the Second Sunday of Advent the sermon title is How Changing a Diaper Changed the World. The scripture is Luke 1:26-38.

The theme will be how something small and insignificant at the time came to be a world changing event.

We hope to see you at Worship.

Blessings your way.

Pastor Michael