This weekend and this Monday we Americans will observe Memorial Day. We will remember and honor those in our Armed Forces who died in service to their fellow citizens.
Most of us will remember our family and friends who served and were always at risk of being “in harm’s way” for the sake of others.
So, I can’t help but remember my four uncles who served overseas during WW ll. One was wounded and bore his wounds for the rest of his life. They all four were loyal churchmen.
The United Methodist Church has always pointed to the Prince of Peace while recognizing the inevitable conflicts and necessities of living in a fallen world.
Our scriptures for Sunday worship highlight two soldiers of the occupying Roman army of first century Palestine. In fact, they are highlighted due to their faith in spite of their being initially seen as “invaders” and non-Jews. But, never are they criticized for their military role in society.
War and peace and Jesus. Jew and Gentile and Jesus. These stand before us even today as we honor so many of all faiths on Memorial Day. The church stands also to help all find their way to the Prince of Peace in a world of suffering and conflict.
†Pray unto the Lord†