Joy was a very small person, a midget. Dawn was large for her age all through elementary school. Roy was known to wear a pajama top to high school and kept to himself. Guy moved into our small community as a Junior and was slow to find friends.
Riki was an African American one of maybe two in our graduating class in the late Sixties! Dan and his parents were the only Jews I knew of in our small town until I moved away to college. I always had to wear “husky” size jeans! Well, almost always…..
All of the above felt excluded from others at times for a wide range of reasons. All were often in the minority in social situations at pivotal ages of development. All had their character shaped by either social, physical, mental, economic factors very much out of their power to quickly change or adapt to. And that brings us to the “larger than life” Zaccharus in Luke 19. Small of stature, in a job most local people despised, and an admitted sinner, he was living life on the margin and needed a life change! He sought it by climbing a tree so he could see over taller people than he! And the “tallest” of Men came his way. Jesus of Nazareth In every age, every place people feel left out, overlooked, disadvantaged, different, and down! Jesus NEVER excluded anyone for the above reasons! Jesus knew all were sinners but that all had come into a Fallen world, affected by temptations, hurt by social injustices, impacted by the sins of others. Jesus came to all and invited life change and a “abundant life” (John 10:10) in spite of all the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” and our sinful nature.
Jesus loves us! Jesus saves! We have heard this and believe this! May we share this to others in word and in deed who feel left on the “outside of life.”
Blessings on our way to All Saints Day! Be a “Saint” to somebody today!
Pastor Barry