When you check out at Kroger, Publix, pharmacies and the like, you always have a last minute opportunity to purchase a weekly magazine. Or at least read the headlines. These usually are about a celebrity or public figure. And they are either being praised or humiliated! The magazines are appropriately named e.g. PEOPLE or ENTERTAINMENT!
Our scriptures for Sunday include lots of thoughts about people in both high and low places in society as well as “entertaining.” At least the idea of entertaining as “hospitality.”
Many hospitals now have employees in charge of “hospitality.” They are to render services of assistance, respect, convenience, and comfort in addition to medical and nursing skills! One should not have to be miserable in finding parking, seating, and directions while feeling sickly as well! Hospitality. Seems fitting doesn’t it in a place called “hospital.”
Jesus instructs those “better off” e.g. the Pharisees, about both hospitality and humility. The two Hs in our scriptures! Celebrity status and social pride have their limits!! Just read your magazines at Kroger!
And also be aware that at your house and table or….church ….someday….you might just happen to “entertain angels unaware!”
Peace and Grace to you brothers and sisters….and to your neighbors+
Pastor Barry