Psalm 150:1-6, Ephesians 5:18-20 and Matthew 26:26-30
I think that there is music for any occasion, mood, memory, and mind set! Birthdays, anniversaries, wedding parties, ballgames, movie soundtracks, and sleep disorders all enlist music to help and to enhance the event! And people have different preferences and “tastes” in music. Some just can’t abide banjo and others nod off to classical. Within worship, churches too have preferences.
For most however, the bottom line is to make music and be glad in it! The gladness may be enthusiastic or somber but it is a response to a need or to a blessing. This Sunday is no different. We may have a bit more singing and playing but we will hear of some descriptive moments in scripture which show us the people of God responding in song as worship and response to life in the moment!
Bring your “listening ears” prepared to raise your voices unto the Lord! We all may have our struggles and stresses but music is a gift from God to help us!
Thanks be to God
Pastor Barry †