This Sunday January 26th the Third Sunday after the Epiphany, the sermon title is Son vs Sun. The scripture is John 3:9-17.
Recently, I was driving home from visiting a friend who has Parkinson’s. As I looked out the driver’s window, the sun was so bright that it almost blinded me. I began to reflect on how something 93 million miles away has so much influence on our lives.
It is something on which we are absolutely dependent. How incredible to think that, even though it is so far away, we know so much about it—including exactly how far away it is.
And then I began to think about the Son, an eternal and readily accessible reality that is of late held in reserve and skepticism.
How is it that people readily accept the almost unbelievable existence of something so far away—which, by the way is one of the smaller stars—and have difficulty accepting the reality of Jesus who was experienced as a near presence in such convincing and impressive ways?
My thought is that the Sun asks nothing. It only gives. The Son not only gives but also expects a commitment.
This Sunday January 12th the First Sunday after the Epiphany, the sermon title is “There is no law against these things….” The scripture is Galatians 5:19-23.
The application of the scripture is obvious, once you read the scripture.
This Sunday January 5th the Second Sunday after Christmas the sermon is entitled, “Are You Gonna Finish That?” The scripture is Matthew 2:1-6 and It involves the visit of the “wise men” to Jesus.
The sermon will contrast their finishing their task to others who did not/will not. One of the illustrations is the painting of Leonardo di Vinci entitled, “The Adoration of the Magi.” He never finished the massive painting. It is on display in the Uffizi Museum in Florence, Italy. I was fortunate to be able to see it on my first visit to Florence.
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday. I hope you had a safe and happy New Year!