II Samuel 11:26-12:13a, Exodus 16:2-4, 9-15 and John 6:24-35
As good and great and anointed as he was, King David made a mess of relationships. He found a way to commit adultery, kill the husband, and see a baby die as a result! It’s a horrific Bible story but just as current as the latest celebrity crime news.
It’s amazing God puts up with our sin. It’s a good thing God’s love for us is never-ending. It certainly brings home to us the deep meaning of the hymn “Amazing Grace!”
Both in Exodus and in John, the message is highlighted that even when we sin and are empty of really doing good, our Creator will deal with us mercifully. The consequences of our bad choices and awful decisions are present but the emptiness our behavior brings upon us is overcome by the Bread of Life.
We are reminded of this unmerited favor from God every time we receive the Bread and Cup at Holy Communion. And even when we sit down for breakfast, lunch, and supper! We are fed and sustained by the Gifts of God. Even when we have had terrible “manners” toward God and neighbor before we have the Bread of life, we are meant for something better!
Think upon these things as you enter into worship this week. And also whenever you sit down for a meal!!
Thanks be to God!
Pastor Barry †