Psalm 147:12-20, Ephesians 1:3-14 and John 1:1-18
Our first Sunday in 2022 brings us Holy Communion and a meditation upon Law and Gospel. It is right and good to ask between Christmas and Epiphany (Jan 6) just WHAT did Christ bring that Moses did not?!
John 1 clearly says Moses brought the Law while Jesus brought Grace and Truth. All are good but there are differences and what better time to review those differences than as a New Year rolls in! We tend to compare and contrast the past year with the hopes for the New One. We can do something similar with Law and Gospel.
I came upon the sermon title while sitting at the entrance to Kohl’s department store on the last Wednesday in 2021. Some 20 minutes to observe quietly the comings and goings and the setting of that moment. I highly recommend just sitting and observing whenever you get the opportunity!! Invariably you can discover something spiritual in those moments! All I will hint at now is the image of Moses and Jesus and I sitting on the benches going into Kohl’s! If you can, do something similar before worship this Sunday January 2!
Blessings on your observations upon the New Year 2022 this coming week.
Pastor Barry †