Easter 2019

Matthew 28:1-10, Isaiah 65:17-25

The fullness and richness of Resurrection faith invites a wealth of readings this Sunday; as well as different expressions in worship! So, each congregation will bring the Message in song, The Word, and our creativity since we are “made in the image” of the Creator. Thanks be to God!

Like an unexpected appearance of a tender flower emerging from a crack in a concrete walkway, so is the Resurrection! It’s power is subtle since we begin only with the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. This we profess. This we trust.

Ours is yet to be…..and “…it does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know when he appears we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is” I John 3:2. A promise that gives the struggling body and mind of each and all a hope and strength to “keep keeping on.” And even this keeping on is not done alone!

Come to worship this Easter and keep your eyes open for flowers coming through where you might least expect in a hard, fallen world where Death is all around……but not the final winner!

Easter Blessings~~~~†

Pastor Barry